196501-251928 FOI Parking

Short Description
Parking spaces
Reference number

I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

•    The total number of public on-street parking spaces in your local area, if possible, broken down by:
o    Residential-only (at all times)
o    Time restricted residential spaces
o    Public short stay
o    Public long stay
o    Blue badge/accessible
o    Charging stations
•    The total number of off-street parking spaces in your local area, broken down by 
o    Public short stay
o    Public long stay 
o    Blue Badge spaces 
o    EV charging stations
•    The total number of free public parking spaces/locations in your local area
•    The total number of paid public parking spaces/locations in your local area
•    The cheapest and most expensive parking location in your area, based on hourly rate
•    The total number of fines issued to drivers for misusing parking spaces for the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to date.
•    And if possible - please can you let us know if the cheapest and most expensive locations have increased in price over the past 12 months, and if so by how much?
