196501-251860 FOI Private Pensions

Short Description
Quarter 4 2021 Records
Reference number

We have received quarterly investment reports from the Royal County Of Berkshire Pension Scheme in the past-- they are much appreciated. Today, July 18, 2022, we are now requesting quarterly cash-flow reports from Q4 2021, if available, of all your private capital investments, in digital format.

Private capital investments include private equity, real estate, natural resources, infrastructure, venture, and private debt funds. Each report would ideally contain these fund attributes:

1. Investment or fund name and vintage year
2. Period or date of investment performance
3. Net capital calls or contributions
4. Net distributions
5. Net asset value or remaining value
6. Net IRR
7. Net multiple or TVPI

If some of this information is considered confidential, please send the information you can.
