1. Does your authority process Blue Badge applications?
2. Which service or directorate does this process sit within?
3. Who is the strategic owner of this process, i.e. which Director/Head of Service?
4. Which cabinet portfolio does this process sit within?
5. How many Blue Badge applications have you had in the last three financial years? (please break down 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22)
6. How many Blue Badge applications have you had in the financial year to date? (2022/23)
7. Do you have a distinct Blue Badge Team?
8. If YES, how many FTE staff do you have administering Blue Badge applications?
9. If NO, please provide an approximate FTE of staff processing Blue Badge applications within other teams
10. What is the salary or grade of staff administering Blue Badge applications?
11. What software system (if any) do you use for processing Blue Badge applications?
196501-246879 FOI Blue Badges
Short Description
Blue Badge Administration
Reference number