196501-246265 FOI Housing

Short Description
Permanent Housing Wait times
Reference number

I’m researching social housing waiting times for vulnerable families and individuals in the UK. Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please provide me with the following information, specific to your council:
• The average length of time a household spends waiting to be moved into permanent social housing (broken down by house type, if available)

• The average length of time a household/person spends living in temporary accommodation (Typically, are these individuals subsequently moved into permanent social housing once they leave TA?)
• A breakdown of how many people in each of your housing need/priority bands are waiting to be moved into permanent housing. (Can you please include the average waiting time for the different housing need/priority bands, as well as the longest wait people are experiencing in each group?)
• The number of people in your council area currently living in temporary accommodation who are:

o Children; victims of domestic abuse; medically unwell and require appropriate housing to suit their needs; suffering from a mental illness; victims of violence and/or gang-related/physical threats.
