196501-239751 FOI Transport

Short Description
A308 Corridor Study
Reference number

1. What was the total the funding for the A308 Study received from Central Government.
2. How was it divided between other local authorities, who were they.
3. What was the process for going out to tender for the work, provide list of companies registered for work and quotes.
4. Date quote agreed and project started with awarded company. Total amount of quote to be provided.
5. Names of Borough Cllrs to be provided who were involved with items 3. And 4.
6. What was the agreed completion date.
7. When was it actually completed.
8. When was the report made available to Borough Cllrs and who were they.
9. Regarding BLP consultation was the Inspector provided with the finding of the A308 Study, even if it wasn’t issued at that time.
