Privacy notices: Finance

List of all privacy notices for finance, budget consultation and financial assessments and bursar support team.

Bursar support team: Privacy notice

Who we are

Bursar Support Team (Achieving for Children delivering services on behalf of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead)
Town Hall, St Ives Road
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Tel: 01628 685801

The lawful basis for processing the information

The lawful basis for processing is Article 6 GDPR:
e) Our legal bases for using your personal information are to exercise our tasks in the public interest

Provision for us to process this data is provided for in the: School Standards and Framework Act 1998, and the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

How we collect information from you

As completed by the Data Subject and required on Lloyds Bank Purchasing Card Application forms.

What type of information is collected

Full name, date of birth, password, personal phone numbers, signature.

How we use the information provided

We hold this information on password protected files (password protected) to use when required by Lloyds Bank in the administration of the Purchasing Card Scheme e.g. security questions re transaction queries –raised by the bank or the cardholder.

Who has access to the information about you

The Programme Administrators - Bursar Support Team Leader and the Senior Accountancy and Finance Operations Lead as part of our card administration role only e.g. queries from the cardholder or Lloyds Bank re the Purchasing Card transactions.

Who we may share your information with

Lloyds bank as required to deliver the Purchasing Card service.

How long we store your information

As long as the Card is active, six years plus current financial year to comply with financial regulations.

Information provided prior September 2014 is stored in paper format at the borough’s secure storage facility Iron Mountain. Information collected from September 2014 is stored electronically and password protected at the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.