Empty homes review: Privacy notice

Who we are

Revenues and Benefits
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
Maidenhead SL6 1RF
Email:  counciltax@rbwm.gov.uk

Lawful basis for processing the information

General Data Protection Regulation Article 6(1)(e) – processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. 

There is a specific duty placed on authorities by the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992 to take reasonable steps to review the status of properties to ensure the correct level of council tax is being charged with regard to discounts and exemptions. 

Provision for a contractor to carry out this data processing is included in The Local Authorities (Contracting Out of Tax Billing, Collection and Enforcement Functions) Order 1996.

How we collect information

Information is collected by our contractor, Capacity Grid, through a paper or online form. 

Information we collect

We collect the following information: Names of occupants, ownership/tenancy start dates and property move in date, contact details including phone number, previous and current address and property details.

How we use the information provided

We use this information to ensure that we are charging the correct level of council tax across the borough. 
Address details, forwarding address and name will be passed to Capacity Grid in order to send letters to relevant residents. 

Who has access to the information about you

Revenue and Benefits Department

Who we may share your information with

Capacity Grid will pass all the information collected to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. 

How long we store your information

Information will be retained for no longer than necessary and for a maximum of seven years.

Does your service utilise automated decision making? – No.