We welcome petitions as another form for residents to let us know their concerns. The aim is to enable as many people as possible to make their views known.
All petitions that are submitted will be accepted, as long as they are in accordance with our terms and conditions. The aim is to enable as many people as possible to make their views known.
To ensure transparency, any petition that cannot be accepted will be listed, along with the reasons why.
You can view current E-Petitions here, that are active within the borough.
In summary:
- You must live in the borough to sign a petition and you must provide a borough address.
- 25 signatures are normally required for a petition to be considered.
- Your petition must relate to something which is the responsibility of the authority, or over which the authority has some influence.
- A clear statement of your concerns and what you want us to to do.
- The petition organiser must supply contact details.
- Identify the matter that it relates to, for example: a specific consultation, planning, licensing. (if you are submitting a petition which relates to a specific consultation it will be forwarded to the relevant department to deal with.)
- If your petition is considered at the appropriate council meeting (e.g. Cabinet, Full Council, Development Management Committee, Licensing Panel) the petition organiser will be invited to speak.
- Petitions will remain open for a set period of time, but no longer than six months.
- Petitions that raise issues of possible councillor misconduct will be taken as complaints and will be reported to the monitoring officer rather than considered under the petitions procedure.
Your petition may not be accepted if:
- the issue relates to something which has already been dealt with by the council or another appropriate body or is in the process of being dealt with, or
- it is considered to be rude, offensive, defamatory, time-wasting or otherwise inappropriate, or,
- does not relate to something which is the responsibility of the authority, or over which the authority has some influence.
Before starting the petition process please read the full guidance in Part 7G of the council constitution.
Create a petition