Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
The council formed or joined a number of wholly owned limited companies.
In 2017 the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead set out a new model for delivering services to residents. The council formed or joined a number of wholly owned limited companies, transferred its services to the companies or decided to utilise the company to develop land and other assets.
The council has also entered into major strategic partnerships with privately owned companies for the delivery of services such as highways. Some services continue to be delivered directly by the council, including customer services and libraries, the administration of benefits and staffing services.
The council continues to emphasise that the public sector concepts of accountability, consultation, transparency and open decision-making must apply irrespective who actually delivers the services. The council has ensured that such principles apply to the partners (where possible) irrespective of whether the services are delivered by a council company, a partner privately owned company or by the council itself.
Optalis Group is a local authority trading company, jointly owned by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and Wokingham Borough Council. It delivers care and support services for adults in the Royal Borough who need extra support, including older people, people with learning disabilities, or physical disabilities or mental health problems, drug and alcohol misusers and carers.
For information about the company directors, accounts and general information, please see the Companies House England and Wales website.
For more information about the company services, please visit the Optalis website.
Achieving for Children is a social enterprise community interest company jointly owned by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to provide their children’s services. It provides children’s early help, social care and education support services to the three owner councils, as well as other local authorities, schools and partners in the education, health, social care and criminal justice sectors.
For information about the company directors, accounts and general information, please see the Companies House England and Wales website.
For more information about the company services, please visit the Achieving for Children (AfC) website.
RBWM Property Company Ltd is a local authority trading company, which is wholly owned by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. It was initially established in 2011, and re-launched in 2016, to reflect the new focus for the delivery of redevelopment and regeneration across the borough.
The company has also been established to develop and manage a small portfolio of residential properties for both market and sub market rent, with a priority focus for key workers.
For information about the company directors, accounts and general information, please see the Companies House England and Wales website.
A range of operational services are delivered through commissioned contract arrangements. A summary of the major third party suppliers is set out below with a weblink to company information.
Each contract has clear governance and performance management in place.
Democratic Services
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom