If you are injured or your vehicle or other property is damaged you have the right to make a claim for compensation. However, it should be noted there is no automatic right to compensation. Just because an unfortunate incident has occurred it does not necessarily mean RBWM can be held responsible. We are only able to pay where evidence of negligence or a breach of statutory duty exists.
To make a claim, please complete the online form below:
Apply for: Make a claim for compensation
Please ensure you complete the form in sufficient detail for us to investigate the matter – this means completing all relevant sections, including an accurate location description or map, and including any relevant documents or photographs.
Once we have received your claim we will investigate the circumstances using the information you have provided. We may ask you to meet on site with a council officer. You may need to provide additional evidence to support your allegation. When we have finished our investigations there are three possible outcomes:
- The claim will be rejected if we can demonstrate that the council acted responsibly.
- The claim will be accepted and subject to appropriate documentary evidence a settlement will be negotiated with you. Any offer made for damage to property will be on an indemnity basis rather than a new for old basis. This means that deductions may be made to reflect the age and condition of the damaged item.
- It may be that someone else responsible for the incident or the location where it happened. If this is the case your complaint will be against them, not us. We will try to provide their contact details to assist you.
Please think carefully before making a claim. The council self funds the majority of claims so compensation is paid from its own financial resources.
It is possible you may have other insurances that cover the damage. The quickest and easiest way of dealing with the matter would be to pass your claim to them to settle directly.