Grave search and Churchyards

We hold the records for All Saints and Braywick Cemeteries in Maidenhead and Spittal and Oakley Green Cemeteries in Windsor.

Locating a relative within a borough cemetery

We hold the records for All Saints and Braywick Cemteries in Maidenhead and Spittal and Oakley Green Cemeteries in Windsor.

Please note that we are not always able to give out information, following the request of families and/or due to data protection.

To request information, please complete the Cemetery research online form below or call 01628 796482.

Other sources of information

Crematoriums also hold records and the most likely for residents of Windsor and Maidenhead is Slough. Their contact number is 01753 523127.


The council maintains but does not hold the records for the following churchyards; the records for all burials and cremated remains interred within them are held by the Church. Please contact them directly.

Apply for a Grave enquiry

For further information, please contact us:

Outdoor Facilities Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom