Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
When carrying out any building work/maintenance or removal of any part of a property which is adjacent to the public highway (road, pavement or rear lane), the safety of all users of the highway must be paramount.
Please read through the steps below before applying for a hoarding licence.
Applications in all cases should be submitted at least 10 working days before the licence is required.
You are required to submit:
In the event that the licensee fails to comply with any of the conditions of this licence a fine of £101.20 will be issued to the licensee obtaining this licence. If required, the council also has the right to remove the hoarding and recover the expense of doing so.
The licence fee varies for major roads and minor roads and is calculated in two, four and six month timescales. A renewal is required after six months.
Minor Road - any unclassified road, excluding any road within a 0.5mile radius of Town Centres/high amenity areas within RBWM.
Major Road - any A & B road plus any road within a 0.5mile radius of Town Centres/high amenity areas within RBWM.
Please ensure the correct licence type is selected, any applications for the wrong type will be refused.
Further guidance and conditions will need to be agreed to prior to applying, these can be seen when applying for a licence.
Type of road | Duration | Price |
Minor road less than 50m2 | 0 to two months | £665.50 |
Minor road more than 50m2 | 0 to two months | £3271.40 |
Minor road less than 50m2 | two to four months | £1174.80 |
Minor road more than 50m2 | two to four months | £3638.80 |
Minor road less than 50m2 | four to six months | £1673.10 |
Minor road more than 50m2 | four to six months | £4131.60 |
Type of road | Duration | Price |
Major road less than 50m2 | 0 to two months | £1332.10 |
Major road more than 50m2 | 0 to two months | £6551.60 |
Major road less than 50m2 | two to four months | £2293.50 |
Major road more than 50m2 | two to four months | £7217.10 |
Major road less than 50m2 | four to six months | £3283.50 |
Major road more than 50m2 | four to six months | £8200.50 |
Apply and pay for: Hoarding licence to erect on or over highway