Council tax communication
The council is now sending e-mails, SMS messages and voice messages to residents who have missed a council tax payment. See our webpage for more information.
Safety Advisory Group (SAG) exists to support event organisers to ensure that, as far as is reasonably possible, events in the Royal Borough take place safely and successfully.
The Council recognises that, while public events can enhance community life in the Royal Borough, such events can pose potential risks to public safety and cause adverse environmental impacts unless proper planning and management is put in place by the event organisers.
A Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Safety Advisory Group (RBWM SAG) has been established to bring together relevant RBWM services, the emergency services and other stakeholders to provide support and advice for event organisers.
This is to ensure that, as far as is reasonably possible, events in the Royal Borough take place safely and successfully.
The RBWM SAG will consider all events taking place within the Royal Borough to which the public have access, whether the venue is public or private; the arrangements are ticketed or unticketed; free or for payment; traditional or innovative; annual, monthly or exceptional; for profit, voluntary or charitable.
The RBWM SAG will have a core membership as below. Other stakeholders will be included as necessary depending on the nature of the event.
Representatives of each of the above organisations must:
The Chair of the RBWM SAG may require evidence of such criteria from any representative.
The Chair of the RBWM SAG will be the RBWM Trading Standards and Licensing Manager or an RBWM officer of equivalent level.
The role of the Chair will be;
It is important to be able to demonstrate transparency in the work of the RBWM SAG. If the RBWM SAG is considering the arrangements for a RBWM event it may be appropriate to avoid suggestions of bias by having the Chair declare a possible conflict of interest and make alternative chairing arrangements for discussions about the event in question.
Secretarial and administrative support will be provided by RBWM.
The Terms of Reference for the RBWM SAG are;
It should be noted that;
The RBWM SAG shall meet at least four times per year and before any large pubic event in the Royal Borough to ensure effective liaison and public safety.
The meetings will be held to discuss upcoming events, debrief on past events and to discuss wider issues relating to event safety, good practice and local intelligence.
Event organisers will be invited to attend a SAG meeting in person if that is felt necessary and appropriate.
Meetings may be in person or held remotely.
The SAG may request a site visit of the event. A table top exercise may be organised by the event organiser to test emergency and contingency plans.
If the SAG is satisfied with the plans for an event the event organiser will be advised of this and no further action will be required of the SAG.
If the SAG is not fully satisfied with the plans for an event, the event organiser will be advised of this and the steps that the SAG feels are required to be taken to bring the plans up to a satisfactory standard.
The event organiser will be asked to update the SAG once these steps have been taken and the event plans can then be reviewed to ensure they are satisfactory.
Event organisers will be asked to provide a debrief of their event. It is recognised that events with plans which the SAG is not fully satisfied with may still go ahead. Under such circumstances individual SAG members may have the power to act, but in any case, a notification to the event organiser and the owner of the land on which the event is due to take place will be sent by the SAG Chair;
Where events become established over time, demonstrating a history of competent event management and safely and successfully held events, there will be less need for them to undergo a full SAG process.
Newer events, and those which may have given cause for concern to the SAG in the past, will still need to undergo a full SAG process.
Once the SAG considers an event to be an “Established Event”, ie one that has a proven record of complying with the SAG process, the SAG Chair will notify the event organiser.
From that time forward the event organiser for such an Established Event will only be required to inform the SAG of the event dates, expected capacity, confirmation that full event management plans are in place as for previous events, and that SAG guidance and advice is being followed. The event plans must, however, be available for review by the SAG on request.
Should an Established Event change in a material way, for example by venue, activity or capacity, or be the cause of any concerns, then it may have to go through a full SAG process.
The advice and guidance provided by the RBWM SAG and its members are not in any way an assumption of the rights of ownership or responsibility for the event plans submitted by the event organisers. The purpose of the SAG is to offer
guidance in order to help event organisers discharge their responsibilities.
Liability for the maintenance of an event plan and the adherence to it during the course of an event remains with the event organisers.
The advice and guidance provided by the SAG and its members does not detract from the statutory responsibility of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead with regards to the enforcement of legislation that falls within its remit.
This Constitution will be reviewed every two years from when it is formally adopted by the RBWM SAG.
This Constitution was written based on guidance provided by The UK Good Practice Guide to Working in Safety Advisory Groups Part 1 Revision 2019.