Current licensing applications

The list is updated weekly and applications stay on the list until the last date for representation has passed.

Annes News And Post Office

Ward: Clewer East
Application Type: Minor Variation
Application Reference: 050651/LAPL04
Address: 109 Springfield Road, Windsor, SL4 3PZ
Premises: Annes News And Post Office
Applicant:  Mr Harpal Singh Khalsa

Summary of application

Conditions to be added under Prevention of Crime and Disorder:

1. Digital CCTV monitoring system to be installed and maintained to Thames Valley Police standard. Recording to be kept securely for 31 days and made available to Thames Valley Police employees and Authorised Persons as defined by Section 13 & 69 Licensing Act 2003 upon request.
2. DPS or nominated person to be trained on how to work the CCTV system to the standard where the nominated person can download any potential evidence required by Thames Valley Police employees and Authorised persons as defined by Sections 13 & 69 Licensing Act 2003.
3. Nominated person is responsible in supplying the necessary media (discs, data stick) containing any downloaded content.
4. Refusals Register to be on the premises and kept up to date and made available upon the request of Police, Trading Standards Officers and authorised persons as defined by Sections 13 & 69 Licensing Act 2003.
5. Challenge 25 policy to be in place.
6. Signage to be displayed where alcohol is offered for sale indicating that alcohol will not be sold to persons under the age of 18.
7. All staff to successfully pass the Store alcohol training course before selling alcohol, written training records will be kept and made available for inspections by police, Trading Standards Officers and Local Authority Licensing Officer.

Please use link to our public access website to view full details and make comments on the application. You will be required to enter the application reference number quoted above to view the relevant application.

Last day for representations: Friday 30 August 2024.