Our services are provided through our multi-disciplinary teams and can include:
- risk assessing and triage of all requests for Mental Health Act assessments
- links with relatives, carers and other professionals involved in a person’s care
- ensuring that all least restrictive options have been considered
- identifying known risks to the person and to professionals in the assessing team
- co-ordinating and undertaking assessments under the Mental Health Act
- making arrangements for informal and formal admission to hospital
- making arrangements for alternatives to admission
- undertaking identification of nearest relatives
- acting as a resource to other professionals.
Support available includes:
- Medication
- Various phycological therapies either on a 1-1 and/or group basis approaches
- Promotion of independence via assistive technology
- Support for carers.
We provide assessment, treatment and support to people with mental health conditions, based on three guiding principles:
- person-centred care: we will listen to your views and those who care for you as we value the experience and skills of older people, recognising the differing needs of each person and developing services to respond to your individual needs.
- partnership: evidence of collaboration should be found at all levels; between organisations; between professionals; between you, family members and professional carers.
- evidence-based practice: services should utilise evidence from research and have robust systems for evaluation and continuous development.
Individuals and carers can refer, but it is recommended that you visit your GP in the first instance.
Contact information
For people already receiving our services please use the contact details given to you by your care coordinator. Optalis Mental Health Services main reception is 0118 904 7300 or email: WAMCMHT.Adminteam@berkshire.nhs.uk.
Emergency help if someone is in a physical or mental health crisis:
- If it’s an emergency, call 999 straight away and ask for an ambulance
- If you need urgent help, but it’s not an emergency call the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team on 0800 129 9999.
When it comes to on-going care and support needs, our team will guide you through each step below.