Community social work team for adults

Our team provides advice, and support to older people, people with physical disabilities and their carers in line with the Care Act 2014.

You might find that you or your loved one needs help to live as well as possible with any disability or illness they may have. Our team is here to help.

We know that you would like to stay in your own community for as long as possible. We'll work with you to find support in your local community alongside social care support to help you to live well.

We also work closely with our colleagues at Achieving for Children to support young people with physical disabilities as they move into adulthood. Read more about transition planning.

Adult social services referral form

If you are in recovering following an illness or injury, our Short Term Support and Reablement (STS&R) Service can help you regain stability and independence.

If you think you, or someone you know, might benefit from any service provided by our teams and you would like us to contact you by phone or email, complete our contact form and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

When it comes to on-going care and support needs, our team will guide you through each step of the process.

We have specialist team members who can help you to find the right solutions for your situation, needs and aspirations.

Social workers and practitioners

Our social workers and social care practitioners will meet with you and your carers to discuss your needs and wishes. They will support carry out your needs assessment, put in place your support plan and review your on-going needs.

Occupational therapists

Our occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants will provide you with advice and guidance on how to prevent falls, equipment that you can use to stay independent and support to apply for adaptions around your home.

Our teams will guide you through each step of the process below.

Community Social Work Team for Adults

Needs assessment

An assessment means we meet you and talk about your situation. We'll ask you some questions about your wellbeing and how you're managing in your daily life, to determine if you have needs for care and support. Anyone over the age of 18 who asks for a social care needs assessment has the right to have one.

While we assess you, we will consider whether a referral for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) assessment is required. CHC funding is usually provided to people who are assessed as having a primary health need. We will provide you with more detail about this if relevant to you.

If you find it very difficult understanding the process or telling us what you want and you don’t have anyone else who can help you, we can arrange for an independent advocate to assist. Please discuss this with us before the assessment, so we can make suitable arrangements.


The eligibility decision-making process involves the consideration of the following:

1. Whether your needs for care and support arise from certain physical or mental conditions

2. As a result, you are unable to achieve at least two of the following:

  • Feed yourself
  • Maintain personal hygiene (keeping clean)
  • Manage toilet needs
  • Be appropriately clothed
  • Stay safe in your own home
  • Manage the housework in your home
  • See and keep in touch with friends and family and meet new friends
  • Work, volunteer or do education and training you may need
  • Make use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including public transport, and recreational facilities or services
  • Carry out any caring responsibilities you have for a child

3. Consequently, there is a significant impact on your wellbeing.

Arranging your care and support

If you are eligible for ongoing care and support services, we will work with you to agree on what kind of care and support you need. We will also work out the amount of money needed for your care and support needs to be met. This is called a personal budget.

We will work closely with you and our health partners to ensure that you receive an integrated package of care and support that meets your needs.

Our Care Placement Coordinators will look at the whole of the market to help find the most suitable provider for you and your situation.

If we can't help you because your assessment shows you're not eligible for social care support, we will always tell you about other organisations that could help you.

Paying for your care and support

We would expect you to contribute to any assessed services based on a financial assessment.

We will arrange a financial assessment to decide whether or not you will have to pay for your care and support. How much you pay depends on your income and outgoings. The assessment will also take into account how much savings you have. You can find out more on our information page.

If you have more than £23,250 in savings and capital, or more than £46,500 if you are assessed as a couple, you will have to pay the full cost of any support you require. You can still ask for an assessment of your care needs but you will not qualify for any funded support.

If your savings and capital drop below £23,250, then you would be expected to pay a contribution for your services.

Your personal budget is made up of the contribution you are assessed to pay along with any top up from the council, if your assessed contribution is unable to meet your needs.

Reviewing your situation

If you receive support from us, we will keep in touch to make sure things are working well. This is called a review. A review happens at least once a year unless your circumstances change or you feel things are not working.

It may be necessary to do a new assessment to find out what has changed.

You can involve your support networks to help share your experiences and wishes.

For further information, please contact us:

Adult Social Care Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom

For emergencies only, outside office hours, please contact us by:
The Emergency Duty Service (EDS) can be contacted by the general public for out of hours crisis or emergencies only from: 5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, and, 5pm Friday to 9am Monday, including Bank Holidays.

Emergency Duty Service
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom