Getting out and about

Disabled parking, community transport and shopmobility, taxis and arranging hospital transport.

The information about providers and services contained on this website does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by Optalis. We would strongly advise that before you use any of the services listed on this page, you carry out your own checks to ensure the organisation/group is suitable.

Getting out and about

Disabled parking badge

If you wish to check eligibility, apply or renew a blue badge, you can apply or renew a blue badge online on the government website.

You can also visit the drop in clinic at the Town Hall, St Ives Rd, Maidenhead every Thursday 9.30am - 12.30 to help with applications. 

Wheelchair hire

Community transport and shopmobility

People to places is a charitable organisation, who provide community transport and Shopmobility services.
Telephone 01628 587 922

Accessible taxis

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Licensing Panel provides information to the public on which hackney carriages and private hire vehicles are wheelchair accessible. 

The full details of this and a list of all registered accessible taxi’s can be found on the Wheelchair and disabled access vehicles page

Transport for hospital appointments

Transport to and from hospital is not currently provided through Adult Social Care. Please contact the clinic you are attending directly to seek advice or alternatively visit the NHS website to find out how to organise transport to and from hospital.

For further information, please contact us:

Adult Social Care Team
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
Town Hall
St Ives Road
United Kingdom